Forgot Your Password?

You can reset it by yourself if you use a company email !!

If you have an email, follow these steps:

1. Click “log in”
2. Click “forgot your password?”
3. Put your email (company email)
4. System will send a reset email to your outlook. Then click on “Reset my password”
5. Put your new password. And take note to avoid forgetting.

But if you do not have a company email, please contact Training Team in "Contact Us"

Change Your Domain on Talent LMS Mobile APP !!

How to Find Your Failed Course?

Used to fail a course and it is not showed in your progress? Follow this !!

Your Screen Shakes During Test or Lesson?

No Worries, follow the below tips !!

What if You See Blank When Testing on Talent LMS Mobile APP?

Encourage to Take Every Test via Browser or Open Web Portal like Image Below!!